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I am an independent HR Consultant offering professional, friendly, practical and straightforward support and advice to businesses with all aspects of managing their people.

I have particular expertise in the following areas:


Whether you are growing your business or recruiting your first employee, every appointment is key to your success.  I can assist with:

  • Defining appropriate recruitment and selection processes

  • Preparing contracts of employment

  • Drawing up effective induction processes


The world is constantly changing and businesses and organisations have to adapt in order to prosper and survive.  This can mean changes to the workforce and your employment frameworks.  I have extensive experience of managing both large and small scale change projects including:


  • Redundancy processes

  • Mergers and Transfer of Undertaking Protection of Employment (TUPE) situations

  • Changes to employment contracts and job descriptions

  • Review of organisational structures and arrangements

  • Consultation and negotiation with employee representatives

Robust and up to date employment policies and procedures 

help employees understand what is expected of them, and assist managers with managing their people well. Policies need to be regularly reviewed and amended in response to changing business needs and employment law.  I offer services to help you :


  • Establish HR policies and procedures that support your business

  • Review your existing employment frameworks to bring them up to date

  • Prepare and review your contracts of employment

  • Develop policies and packages relating to specific situations (e.g. redundancy)

  • Training of Managers and HR staff in relation to employment matters


Even when your employees are performing well it is essential to support them to maintain and develop their skills to meet the changing requirements of their role.  It is also key that organisational structures and arrangements are kept under review to identify where things are working well and where they could be improved.  I can support you with this by:

  • Developing and providing practical training to managers to support them in their role as people managers

  • Providing one-to-one support to managers or in-house HR staff through mentoring and coaching

  • Facilitating the review and diagnosis of organisational effectiveness allowing effective improvements to be identified


No matter how positive the working environment; sometimes things go wrong.  When this happens it is important that matters are handled professionally and in line with employment legislation. Getting it wrong can be time-consuming and expensive for your organisation.  I can provide advice, and practical support in the following areas:


  • Disciplinary, grievance and capability investigations and processes

  • Development of work related objectives and personal improvement plans

  • Advice to disciplinary and grievance panels and appeals panels

  • Coaching and mentoring to line-managers and in house HR staff dealing with cases

  • Brokering and negotiation of termination arrangements


If you have an in-house HR team there may be times when they need additional resource or expert support with projects that cannot be handled entirely in-house.  It may be that you want to review and enhance the effectiveness of your HR team.  I can support by:


  • Coming in and working alongside your team to support with particular projects

  • Providing mentoring or coaching to new or existing team members to build their skills and confidence

  • Helping you to review your existing HR arrangements, providing independent expert advice

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