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I am an independent HR Consultant offering professional, friendly, practical and straightforward support and advice to large and small businesses with all aspects of managing their people.


I have extensive, practical experience of delivering HR solutions in a range of sectors, working with both large and small organisations.  I support business owners, managers and in-house HR teams to scope, review, plan and deliver effective HR solutions to support the achievement of organisational goals.


The most important part of any business, large or small, are its people.  Managing this resource effectively and in-line with current legislation is vital for the success of your enterprise.  Yet managing staff is often the most complex and time-consuming aspect of any manager’s role, and one that they often feel least confident to deal with well.

I can use my expertise and experience to help you deal with your people challenges effectively; from recruitment through to the ending of the employment relationship; through business change and redundancy to growing and improving your business; to supporting the development and review of your HR policies and processes.


Since setting up my Company, I have supported a range of clients with the following challenges:


  • Reviewing HR policies and procedures

  • Supporting redundancy and business transfer processes

  • Conducting independent complaints reviews


See more details of some of the recent assignments I have undertaken for my current client base.


I am able to provide expertise and support with the following areas:​

  • Recruitment and On-boarding

  • Restructuring and Change

  • Performance Management 

  • Employment Policies and Processes

  • Training, Mentoring, Coaching 

  • Supporting In-house HR Teams

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